2024 Featured Coverage on Ageing Asia and our activities

Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore – Unlocking Active Ageing: Insights from Japan’s Smart Ageing Strategies
Singapore, 13 June 2024 – As more countries prepare to usher in super aged societies, the SUSS-Nunchi Marine Age Well Programme and Aspire 55 saw fit to invite Professor Hiroyuki Murata, a renowned expert from the Smart Ageing International Research Centre at Tohoku University, Japan to share his insights on smart ageing strategies adopted in Japan.

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Zaobao, Singapore – 新型社交活动 乐龄自强自乐
Singapore, 31 May 2024 – 与上一代比较,受过良好教育,更富有,也更健康的六七十岁群体,对退休后的社交生活更有要求与主见。他们根据个人兴趣主动建立社群,发起新型社交活动,满足不同需求。更有机构为年长者与企业牵线搭桥,发挥他们在专业领域积累的宝贵经验。改变乐龄是社会弱势,需要帮助的刻板观念。

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Zaobao, Singapore – 新型社交活动乐龄自强自乐
Singapore, 31 May 2024 – 2026年新加坡将步入超老龄化社会,到时65岁以上的年长者将占总人口的五分之一

CNA Money Mind, Singapore – Money Mind 2024/2025

Singapore, May 25 – How AI could give you the data to cut your healthcare bills. Plus – how to make the digital nomad lifestyle pay off, when you’re making the move from east to west.

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HUR, Australia – Ageing Asia Innovation Forum Celebrates 15th Anniversary in Style

Australia, May 22 – The purpose of Ageing Asia World Ageing Festival is to gather innovators, researchers, practitioners, managers, decision, and policy makers, as well as seniors. The festival is made of a number of events -Ageing Asia Innovation Forum, Singapore Geronpreneurship innovation festival and World Ageing festival, all containing a large variety of presentations and panel discussions.

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The Straits Times, Singapore – Taking eldercare to new heights

Singapore, May 20 – Not just technology but an improved ecosystem, incorporating best practices from around the world, is what will make the biggest difference.

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ACCPA, Australia – Australian Aged Care providers shine at Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards

Australia’s aged care sector showcased its forward-thinking approach and commitment to innovation at the 12th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards in Singapore last week.

The awards were part of the World Ageing Festival which attracted 5000 people to foster global knowledge, collaboration and partnerships.

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Mediacorp Capital 958, Singapore – 亚洲社会陆续老龄化 催生哪些需求?如何应对?
Singapore, May 10 — 亚洲社会陆续步入老龄化、甚至超老龄化,年长者生理、心理都出现变化,他们有哪些需求?我们如何让年长人士维持生活品质?邀请亚洲养老公司创办人兼执行董事谢慧贞与海悦辅导中心资深辅导员杜玉云与我们一起聊开来

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Mediacorp SG Headline, Singapore – 狮城头条:新加坡2024第十五届“世界养老节”专访
Singapore, May 10 — 新加坡2024第十五届“世界养老节”专访

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Mediacorp SG Headline, Singapore – 狮城头条:新加坡2024第十五届“世界养老节”专访
Singapore, May 10 — 新加坡2024第十五届“世界养老节”专访

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Mediacorp CNA Asia Tonight, Singapore – World Ageing Festival: Technology and innovation help achieve aspirations of seniors
Singapore, May 9 — Ageing gracefully while remaining active and independent is something everyone wants. The 15th World Ageing Festival is showcasing technology to help seniors keep pace in doing just that. CNA’s Elakeyaa Selvaraji explores the innovative ideas on offer.

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Mediacorp 8World, Singapore – 第十五届世界养老节今天正式掀开序幕
Singapore, May 8 — 由本地社会企业亚洲养老与新加坡社科大学联合举办的第十五届世界养老节今天(8日)正式掀开序幕。


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Channel 5 News Tonight, Singapore – World Ageing Festival 2024
Singapore, May 8 — The event also showcased over 100 products

Watch here (Starts from 26:28)

Mediacorp Seithi, Singapore – மூத்தோர் அன்றாடச் சவால்களைச் சமாளிக்க உதவும் கண்காட்சி
Singapore, May 8 — சிங்கப்பூரில் 2026ஆம் ஆண்டுக்குள் சிங்கப்பூரர்களில் 21 விழுக்காட்டினர் 65 வயதை எட்டியிருப்பர். அவர்களின் அன்றாடச் சவால்களைச் சமாளிக்கக் கூடுதல் உதவி தேவைப்படுகிறது. அதனைக் கருத்தில்கொண்டு பல நிறுவனங்களை ஒன்றுதிரட்டிக் கண்காட்சி நடத்தியது Ageing Asia நிறுவனம். 120க்கும் மேற்பட்ட உள்ளூர், வெளிநாட்டு நிறுவனங்கள் நிகழ்ச்சியில் முகப்புகள் அமைத்திருந்தன. அவற்றில் மூத்தோருக்கு உதவும் 100க்கும் மேற்பட்ட கருவிகள் காட்சிக்கு வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்தன.

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Mediacorp Seithi, Singapore – மேம்பட்ட சுகாதாரச் சேவை கிடைப்பதை உறுதிசெய்ய ஒன்றிணைந்து செயல்பட வேண்டும்
Singapore, May 8 — சிங்கப்பூரில் மேம்பட்ட சுகாதாரச் சேவை கிடைப்பதை உறுதிசெய்யப் பல்வேறு தரப்பினர் ஒன்றிணைந்து செயல்பட வேண்டும் என்று இரண்டாம் சுகாதார அமைச்சர் மசகோஸ் ஸுல்கிஃப்லி (Masagos Zulkifli) கூறியுள்ளார்.

Read the full article here

CNA, Singapore – World Ageing Festival 2024
Singapore, May 8 — Over 100 technology products from various countries showcased

Watch here (starts from 53:00)

Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore – 科技公司研发助行器 辅助年长者日常生活
Singapore, May 8 — 新加坡即将迈入超老龄化社会,通过一款新研发的外骨骼机器人助行器,患有中风、偏瘫等慢性疾病的年长者或许可实现重新站起来的愿望。

Read the full article here

Shin Min Daily, Singapore – 300“锣鼓”齐鸣
Singapore, May 8 — 有超过300名表演者今早在“世界老龄化节”上将健身瑜伽球当成“锣鼓”迎宾,成功载入《新加坡纪录大全》,其中有86岁老妇就表示参与这项活动让她活出自信。

View here.

8world.news, Singapore – 世界养老节 2024
Singapore, May 8 — 由本地社会企业亚洲养老与新加坡社科大学联合举办的第十五届世界养老节今天(8日)正式掀开序幕

View here.

CNA938Live, Singapore – Daily Cuts – A passion for improving the lives of seniors
Singapore, May 8 — Singapore Today’s Lance Alexander and Daniel Martin speak with Janice Chia, founder of Ageing Asia, about her passion for improving the lives of seniors.

Listen here.

Honeycombers, Singapore – World Ageing Festival 2024
Singapore, May 3 — The 15th Ageing Asia Innovation Forum (AAIF) is set to take place in Singapore on May 8th and 9th, 2024, at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre. This edition combines the 12th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2024 and the Ageing Asia Innovation Exhibition, featuring the world’s top 100 products in categories such as Assistive Living, Home & Community Care, Active Ageing, Technology, and Rehabilitation & Wellness.

Read the full article here.

Bernama, Malaysia – Ageing Asia Innovation Exhibition to feature over 100 products for ageing population
Singapore, May 2 — Over 100 cutting-edge products designed to meet the evolving needs of the ageing population will be showcased at the Ageing Asia Innovation Exhibition for two days from May 8, 2024, at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre.

Read the full article here.

Bernama, Malaysia – Innovations for the US$4.56 trillion silver economy set to debut at 15th World Ageing Festival 2024
Singapore, May 2 — The World Ageing Festival 2024, Asia’s foremost platform for the ageing industry, will converge at Ageing Asia Innovation Exhibition, showcasing cutting-edge products in categories such as Assistive Living, Home & Community Care, Active Ageing, Technology, Rehabilitation, and Wellness. Over 100 curated products will be unveiled, all designed to meet the evolving needs of our ageing population

Read the full article here.

Past Coverage on Ageing Asia and our activities

Frontline on Channel 8 with Janice Chia – Aging with Independence: Redefining Care for Seniors!
Aired on September 1, 2023, Frontline challenges traditional caregiving norms by exploring the concept of elderly independence.

It highlights the “silver economy” and how seniors manage their resources, covering various aspects such as equipment, dietary needs, and more, while emphasizing the crucial role of support services, family involvement, and businesses adapting to aging sector trends due to the rapidly aging population.

Watch the full episode here!

Weekend Warrior with Janice Chia – Making Ageing a Disneyland for Every Elderly!
Join our founder, Janice Chia, on the Weekend Warrior show as she shares her heartwarming journey and passion for revolutionizing the ageing experience for the silver generation.

In this lively interview, Janice opens up about her cherished memories with her grandmother, whom she considers a best friend. Drawing inspiration from their close bond, she wants to make ageing a Disneyland of joy and excitement for every senior.

Listen to the interview here!

It’s International Ageing Week, and World Ageing Festival 2023 will be on 24th and 25th May! It boasts new innovations, product launches and showcases to a whopping 5,000 participants. Asia First’s Arnold Gay and Justine Moss speak with Associate Professor Carol Ma, Head of Gerontology Programmes at SUSS, the co-organiser of the festival.


Listen to the interview here!


SINGAPORE – Imagine you order a burger and fries, but settle for fried rice instead, because that is what the staff mistakenly served you.

That is the kind of “attitude and behaviour” that the organiser of the pop-up cafe, Restaurant of Mistaken Orders, hopes to encourage among people in a greying society.

Read the full article here.


SINGAPORE: The way elderly people with multiple medical conditions are treated and the benefits of having them stay employed were among topics discussed at a symposium held by the Centre for Research on Successful Ageing (ROSA) on Tuesday (Nov 1).

Read the full article here.


The stereotypical image of older adults needs to change as Singapore’s population continues to age. There’s a longevity dividend for the workforce and for businesses catering to older consumers, says SUSS’ Dr Kelvin Tan. Read the full article here.


Ageing Asia 2020: World Ageing Festival (The hybrid edition) was featured on Singapore International Foundation Magazine Issue 1/2021. In this feature under ‘Big Idea’, our global speakers interviewed shared best practices and ideas on how to age well and in-place. And three of the first time product launches at the Ageing Asia Innovation Exhibition were also featured for their innovative solutions for the elder care sector. Read the full article here.

The Next Wave: Silver Spenders, Channel News Asia – 31 January 2020


Janice was featured on Channel News Asia’s documentary, The Next Wave: Silver Spenders. She shares about the untapped potential of the silver economy where “by 2020, the potential spending power of people around Asia Pacific aged over 60 is going to reach US 3.3 trillion”.

Career 360, Money FM.89.3 – 12 November 2019

Business can play a part in coping with Singapore’s ageing population


Together with the host of Money FM.89.3 radio segment – Career 360, Janice discusses the social and economic benefits of the ageing sector and embracing new ways of ageing, especially in investing in the longevity and providing a sense of purpose of generations to come.

BBC Morning News LIVE Segment with Rico Hizon, BBC World News – 15 January 2018


A global survey of fitness trends suggests that exercise programmes for the elders will be a big trend. In a LIVE interview with the BBC World News, Janice was invited to talk about curated exercise programmes, health and fitness for older adults. An industry innovation of Ageing Asia and an Ageing Asia Alliance network member – Asia’s first virtual retirement village concept, was also featured in the news segment.

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