In 2014, a groundbreaking adaptation of the Dutch Life Apartment model was introduced to China, reshaping the nation’s approach to elderly care. This adaptation led to the creation of the Life Apartment concept, focusing on a holistic, person-centred approach designed to enhance the quality of life for seniors.
The guiding principles of this model emphasise fostering a positive outlook, encouraging independence, and creating a familial environment. This approach not only supports individual autonomy but also builds a strong sense of community and belonging.
In 2016, the introduction of China’s first Life Apartment marked a significant milestone in integrating housing, wellness, medical care, and nursing services into a comprehensive home-based elderly care solution.
A New Era in Dementia Care
Opening in March 2025, the Anyang Dementia Friendly Community in Wuxi’s Yangshan Peach Garden represents a pioneering development in dementia care in China. Inspired by the Dutch model of person-centred care, this facility aims to enhance the quality of life for individuals with dementia through a supportive, home-like environment.
Comprehensive Care Services
The Anyang community provides a holistic care approach that encompasses life care, mental health support, medical services, rehabilitation, nutrition, and psychological care. This integrated model ensures that residents with dementia can live with dignity and retain their sense of identity.
A range of therapies, including colour, music, touch, and nostalgia therapy, are employed to support mental and emotional well-being, facilitating meaningful activities and cognitive engagement.
Creating a Family-Like Atmosphere
The community features 49 apartments divided into five small groups, fostering a family-like setting. Residents are encouraged to personalise their spaces and enjoy communal areas, such as a “family living room,” which promotes relaxation, cooking, and dining with loved ones. This setup moves away from traditional nursing stations, creating a more normalised and supportive environment.
Innovative Facilities
The Anyang community offers dementia-friendly amenities like a Memory Coffee Bar, a mini market, and a children’s activity area to encourage intergenerational interaction. Therapeutic spaces are also available for cognitive therapy, allowing residents to engage in memory-enhancing activities and showcase personal items.
Health and Nutrition
The facility provides a Mediterranean-inspired diet combined with traditional Chinese cuisine, aiming to slow cognitive decline while delivering nutritious and flavorful meals. Seasonal menus are tailored to meet individual dietary needs.
Setting a New Standard
By incorporating advanced therapies, including game-based cognitive training, alongside traditional care practices, the Anyang Dementia Friendly Community is setting a new benchmark in elderly care. This initiative represents a significant advancement in dementia care, reflecting a commitment to innovative, person-centred care approaches.